Reaction Videos: How to Strike a Balance

Are online reaction videos an indication of the downfall of original content creation, or are they a justifiable form of entertainment in their own right? This online trend of reacting to content has not only captivated audiences all over the world but has also created its own distinct niche in the content creator space. Today, I want to talk about this online content trend and how to strike a balance of reactions and creator originality in these reaction videos. Let’s start with a brief introduction of the different kinds of reaction content.

The Reaction Content Phenomenon

So, what exactly is a reaction video? This is when creators film themselves reacting to things like news, entertainment media, or other content circulating on the internet. These videos feature the creator’s genuine reactions, commentary, and analysis. Why do so many people like watching others react to things? It’s probably because audiences are drawn to the authenticity and relatability of reactions. For some people, it’s an experience similar to sharing the moment with a friend. Moreover, the accessibility of platforms like YouTube and the ease of creation has also contributed to its popularity. To understand this trend, a breakdown of the main categories of reaction content is below.

  1. News Reaction Videos – creators reacting to news, whether it’s breaking world news, celebrity scandals, or pop culture trends.

  2. Reactions to Entertainment Media – creators immersing themselves in any form of entertainment media, from the latest blockbuster movies and chart-topping music videos to beloved TV shows and movies.

  3. React to Online Content – creators reacting to viral videos, trending challenges, or niche content within respective communities.

Recently, reaction videos to online content have sparked controversy. While they often serve as a means of interactivity between content creators and viewers, there has been an ongoing debate on how these types of reactions can sometimes cross the line into stealing. Many have argued that some creators are reacting to videos made by other smaller creators and essentially reuploading their content without adding any significant value.

A notable example is when xQc, a streamer with over 12 million followers on Twitch and over 2 million subscribers on YouTube, uploaded a reaction video on his YouTube channel that included the entirety of another content creator’s video on the shooting of John F. Kennedy. One creator took to Twitter to argue, “LeMMiNO spends months researching, scripting, and editing a video just for react streamers to reupload the entire thing and provide zero input” (GameRant). Another creator pointed out that “the original video hypothetically get fewer interactions but the person that reuploads it is taking the finite amount of views for themselves” (GameRant).

Altogether, this raises concerns about creativity and the mistreatment of online content. One concern revolves around the perceived laziness and lack of creativity by some of these creators. The other concern pertains to the possible exploitation of other creators’ hard work for personal gain. In the end, the legitimacy of these reaction videos hinges on whether the creator genuinely enhances the content through commentary and analysis or is simply offering superficial reactions with minimal original input.

Overall, the different categories of reaction videos showcase the versatility and appeal of the genre as it caters to a wide range of interests. Now that we’ve explored the types of reaction videos, it’s important to understand the legal and ethical considerations surrounding their creation.

Navigating Fair Use in Reaction Content

Regardless of platform, content creators will always need to understand and navigate copyright laws and fair use policies for their content. YouTube stands as one of the primary online video sharing and social media platforms for thousands of creators worldwide. Let’s talk about how these creators can responsibly interact with copyrighted material while maintaining compliance with YouTube’s fair use guidelines.

Fair Use on YouTube

Fair use is a legal concept that allows the use of copyrighted material under established circumstances without the need of permission from the copyright holder. While copyright laws differ around the world, YouTube takes local rules into account when responding to removal requests.

The following four factors of fair use are considered in cases taking place in the United States: the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion used relative to the whole copyrighted work, and the effect of the use upon the potential market for the copyrighted work. Essentially, creators should ask themselves these questions:

  1. Is the use of the copyrighted material transformative, adding new expression or meaning to the original material, or is it a direct copy?

  2. Is the copyrighted material primarily factual or fictional?

  3. How much of the copyrighted work is being used in relation to the whole work?

  4. Does the use of the copyrighted material harm the copyright holder’s ability to profit from their original work?

By answering these questions, creators can better understand how their use of copyrighted material aligns with fair use principles. Now, with fair use in mind, let’s talk about a balanced approach to reaction video content.

A Balanced Approach to Reaction Videos

I would like to start by acknowledging that I understand creators each have their own methods to their reaction content, and to each their own. I want to talk about creating a balanced approach to reaction videos that includes being creative and original alongside the reactions and commentary. This means more than just commenting but also involves deliberate editing to make sure every spoken word adds value to the content.

Alongside the reactions and commentary within the video, creativity and originality through the use of editing is the key to elevating these reaction videos. This allows creators to organize their content in an engaging and meaningful way. While many creators opt for spontaneous reactions, careful editing makes sure that every moment is not only relevant but impactful. Moreover, it helps avoid the problem of simply reuploading stream reactions, which can lack depth and originality over time.

For reaction videos, like reacting to news, including relevant images or clips can provide context and enhance the overall viewing experience. When reacting to entertainment media, strategic editing can emphasize key moments and add more style. Similarly, when reacting to other online content, editing allows creators to be creative and infuse originality to balance it out. If you’re reacting to another creator’s content, make sure to reference them and where you can find the original.

Alex Meyers is a prime example of reaction videos executed with precision, creativity, and originality. He doesn’t just react to TV shows and movies, he writes a reactionary script for every video and animates segments to complement his commentary. His dedication to scripting, animating, and video editing helps ensure that each bit in his reaction videos not only serve a purpose but is creatively funny and engaging for viewers.

To sum it up, I recommend a balanced approach to creating reaction videos that involves a commitment to creativity, deliberate editing, and making sure that each video is a reflection of the creator’s voice and style. Here’s a condensed guide to this balanced approach:

  • Genuine Reactions – Make sure your reactions are authentic and genuine.

  • Thoughtful Commentary – Provide insightful commentary and analysis that adds value to the content being reacted to.

  • Strategic Editing – Edit your videos to maintain focus and relevance to ensure that every part contributes to the discussion.

  • Enhanced Presentation – Use visual and auditory elements such as background music, images, clips, or animations to enhance the viewer’s experience and provide context.

  • Originality – Be creative and insert your personality into your reaction videos.

  • Engagement – Maintain an entertaining presentation. Keep your audience engaged by emphasizing reactions, key moments, and discussions.

  • Respect for Intellectual Property – Adhere to copyright laws and fair use principles.

Overall, I believe that incorporating these elements can help creators produce reaction videos that not only resonate with viewers but also maintain integrity and originality.


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